Latest Episodes
The Rev. Angela Cortiñas: Joy in the Midst of Despair
The Rev. Angela Cortiñas' sermon from the third Sunday of Advent. 12/11/2022
The Rev. Dr. Chuck Treadwell: Punched in the Gut
The Rev. Dr. Chuck Treadwell's sermon from the second Sunday of Advent 9:00 am service. 12/4/2022
The Rev. Chad McCall: Make Room
The Rev. Chad McCall's sermon from the first Sunday of Advent. 11/27/2022
The Rev. Angela Cortiñas: Who Is Your God?
The Rev. Angela Cortiñas' sermon from Christ the King Sunday. 11/20/2022
The Rev. Dr. Chuck Treadwell: And Then, God
The Rev. Dr. Chuck Treadwell's sermon from the twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost. 11/13/2022
The Rev. Dr. Chuck Treadwell: Glory!
The Rev. Dr. Chuck Treadwell's sermon from All Saints' liturgy. 11/06/2022