Latest Episodes
The Rev. Angela Cortiñas: How Does God Love Thee, Let Me Count the Ways
The Rev. Angela Cortiñas' sermon from the second Sunday of Lent. 03/05/2023
Dr. Amy Moehnke: Likeable Lent
Dr. Amy Moehnke's sermon from the first Sunday of Lent. 02/26/2023
The Rev. Dr. Chuck Treadwell: Erode a Stoney Heart
The Rev. Dr. Chuck Treadwell's sermon from Ash Wednesday. 02/22/2023
The Rev. Dr. Chuck Treadwell: Remembering Rightly
Seminarian Carter Leer: Seeking a Greater Community
Seminarian Carter Leer's sermon from the sixth Sunday after Epiphany. 02/12/2023
The Rev. Mary Vano: Come to Love Your God, Stay to Love Your Neighbor
The Rev. Mary Vano's sermon from the fifth Sunday after Epiphany. 02/05/2022